Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Barack Obama

Whassa matta? My questions to Nancy Pelosi weren't enough to convince you that I'm willing to run against Democrats when they're wrong?

OK, well maybe this will help settle the issue.

Over the summer (2008), after he had sewn up the nomination, Barack Obama welshed on a promise he had made to Democrats in the heat of primary season. He had pledged to oppose the expansion of the body of law that dictates when the gov't may spy on the telephone conversations of the citizenry (FISA for short). For whatever reason, he chose to support the bill when it came up.

I used his website, my.barackobama.com, to organize what was then the largest "group" on his site. Once again, I found myself splashed across the pages of several newspapers. Most significantly, the New York Times wrote my profile.


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